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Number of unathroised absences increases in schools across England 

The number of unauthorised absences in schools across England has increased in the last year. Schools across England have recorded a higher rate in absences in the last year.                  


One in ten pupils was persistently absent during the academic year 2016/17. Since the academic year of 2006/07 the absence rate of unauthorised holidays has gone up from 0.1 to 0.4 in 2016/17. One of the main reasons for this seems to be the amount of unauthorised holidays been taken during term time.    

























The number of unathroised absences is at its highest in the summer term.   Because of the dramatic difference of flight prices and accommodation during term time and the summer holidays, parents are taking their children out of school to save money.















“I understand it’s not the ideal situation but the price difference is ridiculous. I would rather pay the fine and save on my holiday. I wouldn’t take my child out of school at an important time, like when they have exams” said Sarah Williams, mother of 2.  



A flight from Birmingham to Barcelona, Spain, one way is £83 pp, compared to £113 in August with Ryanair airlines. For a family of 4 this is an average increase of £80 overall. “Although fines are in place, people are still saving more money from their holiday prices than paying the school for their child’s absence. Parents do not realise, but the time a child is absent from school can really have an effect on their learning development and progress in school” said Narinder Kaur, teacher at Jesssons Primary School.     



A new policy has been put into place which now fine parents for each day their child is absent from school due to an unauthorised holiday. Each school in England varies with the fine rate. Birmingham, city council has released the policy for school absences online:

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